Quotes :)

Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lacking Inspiration

It's been awhile... about a month. And that's not a good sign. There has been SO much running through my mind as of late, that I haven't been able to figure out quite how to get any of it into words. So here I am, now rambling on, trying to let the words gush out of me. I've been busy over the past few months doing a show! I LOVE performing!! I crave the stage. I desire to share my voice with the world. I haven't been in a production since April of my senior year... over a year ago. So to finally be doing a show again, has been incredible. However, I wish that I would've enjoyed this show more. I hope I don't say anything here that might get me in trouble... But I am actually looking forward to this one being over and done with. And that makes me so sad. Because this is what I love! What I live for! And yet... I anticipate it's ending. Why is that? Well, I definitely have my reasons. But I feel that it would be inappropriate to openly express them on the internet for the world to see. So, we'll leave it at that.

I have been feeling super lonely lately, surrounded by happy couples, fighting couples, all sorts of couples! And often find myself feeling sorry, depressed, and alone. I hate that! I don't want to feel that way anymore! I don't need any one man to come in my life and sweep me off my feet, while we ride gallantly off into the sunset, to be happy. No. I don't. I need to enjoy the life that I have NOW. Enjoy being young, free, and single! So, I'm going to try my absolute hardest to do just that. I will not let myself become down or unhappy just because I do not have a significant other. It's more fun to be able to explore and not be committed and tied down anyway, right?! ;) I am now making a vow, to allow myself to be happy, and to have fun in the stage that I am at! My mom told me a few years back that I was allowed to play the field! How many mom's tell their kids that?? Ha! Well, alright mom! Your wish is my command! ;) Haha

My good friend Kayla just started a blog :) And I came across a post today about The Secret. Apparently she has just been introduced to this brilliant logic, and made me remember how much I LOVE it. I. LOVE. THE. SECRET! Another friend of mine said the other day, "Now is one of those times that I wish I believed in something." Which got me thinking.... and I truly believe in the secret. Our minds are SO incredibly powerful. We have no idea what we are capable of. If we could all learn, explore, and apply the secret in our lives, we would be an unstoppable race. But it all starts with just one person. I'm glad I've discovered and uncovered the Secret of the world, now I need to focus on it, and apply it in every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, for the rest of my life. And I will live in ABUNDANCE.

Well, it's almost 4 in the morning and I am definitely worn out. I needed this small excerpt to get me going again, and needed to sort through my brain a little to let some of it drain out. I am hopefully going to sleep a little more peacefully tonight. :)

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